MYC offers Hatha Yoga classes in the Iyengar tradition. The classes emphasize precise alignment in the posture, development of strength, stamina and flexibility and a safe and comfortable space to encourage deeper awareness and better health. The instructors at the Moscow Yoga Center study yearly with senior teachers to advance their training. Please join us for detailed instruction in Yoga.
Classes for all levels of students are available at the Moscow Yoga Center. Beginners need not have any special flexibility or strength. Everyone can quickly feel the healthy benefits of yoga.
The Moscow Yoga Center is well equipped with mats and blankets. Most students wear shorts or tights and a T-shirt. Bring a sweater for deep relaxation and come with an empty stomach.
Yoga is an ancient system of Indian philosophy. The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root yuj meaning union or to yoke or join. Through the study of yoga, the practitioner seeks greater union of the body, mind and spirit. Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years to bring a balance of strength, flexibility, relaxation and health to the student.
Iyengar Yoga National Association of the United States
Some classes may begin with a chant. A common chant to begin class is the The Invocation to Patanjali. Mr Iyengar’s daughter, Geeta, explained why the chant may be used at the beginning of a class, “We chant so that at the very beginning that feeling of sanctification comes from inside, with the feeling of surrendering oneself, because nothing can be learned in this world unless you have the humility to learn.”
The meaning of the chant is below.
Salutation to the noblest sage – Patanjali, who gave us yoga for serenity of mind, grammar for purity of speech, and medicine for the health of the body.
I prostrate before Patanjali, whose upper body has a human form, whose arms hold a conch and disk, and whose crowned by a thousand headed cobra,
O incarnation of Adisesa, my salutations to Thee.
The pronunciation are as follows:
Yo-gay-nuh chih-tah-syuh pah-day-nuh vah-chahm
Mah-lahm shah-ree-rah-syuh chuh vy-dyuh-kay-nuh
Yo-pa kar-oh-tahm prah-vah-rahm moo-nee-nahm
Pah-tahn-jah-lim prahn-jah-leer ah-nah-toe-smee
A-bah-hoo poo-roo-shah-kar-ahm
Shahn-kah chah-krah-see dar-ee-nahm
Sah-hah-srah sheer-ah-sahm shvay-tahm
Prah-nuh-mah-mee pah-tahn-ja-lim
Har-ri hey Om